I almost finished the jacket, but my fourth ff covered button has disappeared, and I took that as a Message that I shouldn't try to make my first set of bound buttonholes in a jacket (or anything, for that matter, outside of practice scraps) tonight. Tomorrow, after a bit more practice.

I'll take better pictures when I get the jacket done. I couldn't find an invisible zipper in a coordinating color, so I tried a hand stitched zipper and was really happy with the results.
This has been a great experience. I have learned a great deal and had lots of fun. I'm also participating in Sarah Veblen's underlining class at Patternreview.com, and that has given me much to think about for coordinating skirts and tops. So this skirt and the finished jacket will only be the beginning.
My favorite piece? The necklace that my daughter made to go with this capsule wardrobe.
